Good news for those of us who have things they don't want Big Brother to read ... I hope this either stands or gets to the Supreme Court and is upheld ...
Note to self: Encrypt data, memorize password | InSecurity Complex - CNET News
TrueCrypt forever!
OTGH you are cautioned that not all Big Brothers will obey the law.
XKCD Security
Note to self: Encrypt data, memorize password | InSecurity Complex - CNET News
Summary: Court rules that prosecutors can't force people to decrypt data that could potentially be used against them.
In a case that serves as a reminder to: a) use encryption, and b) memorize the encryption pass-phrase, an appeals court has ruled that people have a constitutional right not to be forced to decrypt data that potentially includes evidence that could be used to prosecute them in court.
TrueCrypt forever!
OTGH you are cautioned that not all Big Brothers will obey the law.